Guide SWOT analysis

Identify your strengths and risks in relation to cyber hate with a quick and easy SWOT analysis.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is a planning tool where you can conduct your own obstacle screen and get a strategic overlook and focus your efforts where they are needed most and will create the best effect.

SWOT and cyber hate 

In relation to cyber hate, a SWOT analysis is about identifying what parts of your current work against cyber hate are working well and what is not (strengths and weaknesses). For example, having clear rules for moderating is a strength, while being bad at following up and enforcing the rules is a weakness. In these cases, it is the internal aspect that we are looking at.

When looking at opportunities and threats, it is the external that we are looking at. What opportunities can we find in relation to cyber hate? For example, from where are you at risk of cyber hate? And what are the consequences of that cyber hate? One consequence is that people/groups no longer want to represent your organization because of a fear of cyber hate.

Be concrete!

Regardless of where the SWOT matrix is used, it is important to remember that you should formulate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as concretely as possible. Avoid abstract and vague expressions. Ask follow-up questions to clarify what people mean and help them to make their thoughts more concrete when needed.

Do this:

  1. Draw the SWOT on a large piece of paper, a flip chart, or on a whiteboard. 
  2. Explain what a SWOT is and why you are going to fill one in at your organization.
  3. Let each individual sit quietly and think about the four sections of the SWOT. 
  4. Divide the group into small groups (if you are five or fewer you can all sit together).
  5. Let everyone tell their group what they have thought about and fill in the four sections of the SWOT with the things that are said.
  6. If you have too much content, let the members of each group vote for the things that they think are more important. This might mean that each person gets three stickers that they can vote with, by placing them next to the most important items in their opinion. The items with the most stickers win.
  7. Work with the areas that you have identified in the SWOT, and come up with what efforts that must be taken to counteract risks and avert threats, and improve strengths and ensure that opportunities are reached. 
  8. If there are too many ideas and you are unable to implement all of them, rank the ideas for efforts. 
  9. Do not forget to determine who has the responsibilities of each effort, and set deadlines for when the different activities should be completed.