Facts The school’s responsibility

If you are a student and you are subjected to violations by other students on the internet, the school must investigate the incident.

As a student, you have the right to feel safe in school, and it is important that the school helps you if you feel bad or are bullied. Today, the internet is a part of the school environment, so this applies there too.

The school has a responsibility to make sure that young people are not subjected to bullying in any form. All forms of bullying that are connected to the school must be investigated, and it does not matter if it is on free time or during school hours. That is why it is important for the school to take the internet seriously and be present here too. If you experience that your school is not following up, investigating, or taking care of the incident, you can report this to the Swedish Schools Inspectorate. 

Report the school

The law and the internet

It is important to remember that anything that is forbidden offline is also forbidden online. The school must also be aware of this, and they must follow the Discrimination Act and the Work Environment Act. 

The Cyber Hate Assistant and Make Equal’s view on bullying

Make Equal and the Cyber Hate Assistant see bullying as another word for violations and harassment — both are illegal, and if you are subjected to them and your school does not fulfill their responsibility, you can file a police report on the individuals and report the school.  

Intersectional perspective on how cyber hate works 

Many people who belong to marginalized groups, or in other ways do not have the same starting point as the school administration or teachers, experience that they are not listened to or understood when they try to address violations and harassment. 

Instead, the experience is invalidated. Such behavior is called gaslighting and is not okay. Your experience is central and should never be excused. Take this further to a relevant special interest organization or your parents/guardians for correct treatment and support. 

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