About Näthatshjälpen About the website and the Cyber Hate Assistant

Cyber Hate Assistant is created and run by the equality foundation Make Equal with the help of project funding from The Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF).

The tool is for those of you who are exposed to or see others being exposed to the cyber hate. It is also for civil society organizations, so that they can get support and help in how to work preventively against cyber hate.

The tool contains fact texts, guides, tips and micro activism posters

  • The fact texts are primarily designed to help you put words to what has happened in a situation of cyber hate and what you can do to move forward.
  • The guides are designed to lead you step by step through a specific incident.
  • The micro activism posters are for those of you who want support in making a statement.
  • The tips are related to specific texts, guides, or situations.

By “situations,” we mean what happened to you. You can search for your specific situation in the Cyber Hate Assistant and get relevant tips, guides and facts.

All tips, guides and fact texts are connected to keywords that we regularly update and add to. If you search for, for example, "I was called a slut" then tips, guides and facts related to the word slut (for example, facts about harassment, or relevant tips) will be in the search results.

Because of these keywords, which we have used to make the best possible search tool, we at Make Equal have made an assessment of which words we think are linked to different types of offenses or discrimination. If you search for a word or incident that seems to have a strange connected that you do not understand, or if you do not get a search result- write to us at info@makeequal.se and we can explain more or update the search tool.