Guide How to find the source of images

If you want to find the source of images, you can use Google Image Search and TinEye.

Using these, you can see the situation and time in which the picture was used. You can also find edited versions of the picture.

Here is how you use Google Image Search

  1. Go to and click on “images” on the top right.
  2. Click on the camera icon in the search bar. 
  3. Search for the URL of the picture, or upload the picture that you’re looking for the source of. If you upload the picture, it must be in your camera roll or on your computer. 
  4. You will see a list of results that are linked to the picture that you searched for. 
  5. Sometimes, there are many results, and sometimes there are a few. If there are many results, you can limit the timespan of the search. Click on “Tools”. 
  6. Click on “Time.” Here, you can choose to see results from the past 1 hour or your adjusted time period. 

Here is how you use TinEye

  1. Go to
  2. There, you can either click on the arrow next to the search bar to upload the picture that you’re looking for the source of. You can also search for the URL for the same picture in the search bar.
  3. When you upload the picture, you can sort the search results so that the oldest result comes first.