Facts Be an ally on the internet - react!

We all have a mutual responsibility for which type of society want to live in, even online.

Back each other up on the internet

Ida Östensson, Make Equal’s founder, talking about the importance of backing each other up on the internet the right way.

We can help each other by paying attention to the content and events that are unwanted, inappropriate, or illegal, and by supporting the victim. The earlier we react, the greater the chance of breaking a negative pattern and reducing the risk of someone else being subject to cyber hate.

Advice Do not tag the friend who is being cyber hated

If you see that mean or critical things are being written about a person you know – don't tag that person in the comment section. If you think that the person isn't aware that they're being written about, tell them privately.

Advice Report offensive posts and comments to administrators

If you read offensive and inappropriate posts or comments on social media, you can always report this to the administrators

Advice Report hate speech

If you see cyber hate happening and it falls into the category of hate speech it means you can report the crime, whether you belong to the group being exposed or not. Crimes with hate crime motives need to be reported by the the person who is subjected to them but anyone can report hate speech. So if you see someone committing hate speech on the internet, in a comment, a status update, in a private group, etc., and you are not a part of the group that is covered by hate crime legislation, you can still report the crime!

What is hate speech?

Guide: Report hate speech

Advice Ask for help to deal with cyber hate!

You're not alone. If you want help dealing with cyber hate in the comment section, contact the facebook group #jagärhär to get help and support from the good forces at work for a good and open internet climate.

#jagärhär's facebook page 

Advice Cyber hate as a result of membership in an organization or association, report!

As a member of an organization or an association, they have the responsibility for you and the cyber hate that can occur as a result of the membership. If they don't have action plans for the internet, they should deal with that right away.

Organizations can get help with this work 

If you aren't heard, there is support and help to continue this process 

Advice Involve more people and support the friend

Go into hateful comment sections and report or respond to offensive comments.

Advice Stand up for each other!

The first step can be giving them a supportive "like", but it is always good to point out unpleasant behaviour. Sometimes, the important thing is not what you say, but that you say something.

Advice Responding to internet trolls correctly

Advice Report hate speech

If you see cyber hate happening and it falls into the category of hate speech it means you can report the crime, whether you belong to the group being exposed or not. Crimes with hate crime motives need to be reported by the the person who is subjected to them but anyone can report hate speech. So if you see someone committing hate speech on the internet, in a comment, a status update, in a private group, etc., and you are not a part of the group that is covered by hate crime legislation, you can still report the crime!

What is hate speech?

Guide: Report hate speech

Advice Responding to a dogmatist

Advice Be source critical!

Tired of no one understanding the problem?

Use our micro activism posters! Send it anonymously, hang it up in the coffee room, or spread it on your social media. The internet is real!